Saturday, September 16, 2017

Half a Mom

Well, it's the beginning of the school year. This has been an uproar for me. That was pretty self-centered of me to say. A new school year brings changes for literally every family with school-aged children. Even if you homeschool, co-ops start back up. Or questions about why you homeschool are resurrected from their judgmental grave. A new school year is new for everyone. 

Photo Credit: Shane Milne
This year, we had two kids starting public school for the first time. Jude was homeschooled for Kindergarten last year, and I really feel it was the right decision for him at the time. After much growth from Jude, a move from the west coast to the midwest, and a change in school districts, we decided to place Jude in in mainstream first grade. It's a learning experience, but I would say that it's going relatively well. I can tell you it's going 100 times better than my anxiety filled mind anticipated.

Photo Credit: Shane Milne
Not only did Jude start first grade, but my sweet Gideon started kindergarten. How did my baby grow into an almost-six year old going to elementary school? I have had two babies since Gideon, but his innocence and sweetness keeps him so small in my mind. But only in my mind... the
boy is built like a linebacker. He towers over all the teeny kids in his class.

The good news is, my boys are LOVING school! Sure, it's only been two weeks for Jude and one for Gideon, but they come home happy every day and are excited to go back to school the next day. To be fair, Gideon has been asking to go to school since he was eighteen months old. That boy could not wait one more minute for kindergarten to begin. Jude was cautiously optimistic. After all the build up, the boys are big fans of school.

Jammie Credit: Grandma Kim
I wish I could share the sentiment. I am so happy that Jude and Giddy are loving school, but I feel like a big piece of me is missing for 7 hours every single day. I have been a stay at home mom since the day Jude was born. Because I foolishly chose to send not one, but two of my four kids at once to school, I feel like I am constantly forgetting something. It's like I am only doing half my job. Instead of taking care of two boys and two girls all day, the majority of my day is spent with my two wonderful little girls.

Abby (almost 4) and Gracie (almost 1) are also noticing a huge difference in the day. At first, I think Abby was really enjoying all the extra attention and play time. Now it's starting to get a little lonely without her big brothers to entertain her, and Abby says "Gracie is so bad at playing princess castle!"

It's definitely an adjustment for all of us,  and it has become very obvious to me that I need to find a more productive way to fill my time other than obsessing over what Jude and Gideon may or may not be doing during the day. That is where this blog comes in. I used to blog often, but then I got pregnant with Gracie. Having four kids and writing a quick blog post just seemed too overwhelming at the time.

Now seems as good a time as any to pick up writing again. I always enjoyed, and now I have much more free time on my hands. Did you know that taking care of two kids during the day takes way less time than taking care of four? Guys, I even had time to fold laundry this week. I mean, I didn't... but I totally could have!

What did other stay at home moms do once their littles started going to school?


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