Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Why is it so hard to keep eggs in my house?

Have you ever been obsessed with something? Have either loved or hated something so much that it's all you can think about? It seems like you can't eat sleep or breath without every thought being consumed by this thing? When I was engaged,I became obsessed with being married. I wasn't as consumed with the  wedding, but the marriage itself.

Gideon has this obsession with eggs. He loves them. He loves the way they look. He loves the way they feel. He loves the way they taste. He loves that so many animals are hatched out of eggs (I'm pretty sure this is the number one reason Jude won't eat eggs). He also loves carrying eggs, and cracking eggs over my carpet. Because of this, eggs and carpet cleaner are always in short supply in this house. I am starting to think he just loves driving me insane.

We cannot have a carton of eggs in the house with out Gideon losing all sense of self control. He will see me put a dozen eggs in the refrigerator, and it's like that's the only thing that his little mind can focus on. He knows that he is not allowed to get into the fridge by himself, and he is really not supposed to touch the eggs, but the tiny amount of self control a three year old has is completely gone when those white ovals are around. It becomes an intense game of cat and mouse. I have become very quick at getting to the refrigerator before the door is completely open, but sometimes Giddy works in super stealth mode, and is able to sneak an egg or two out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Once the egg(s) has been kidnapped from the cardboard habitat, there are three different things that could happen.

  1. Gideon will be so excited about his conquest that he will just have to start clapping, and the eggs will be broken all over the carpet.
  2. Gideon will decide that we wants to make a nest for his eggs, not be gentle enough, and the eggs will be broken all over the carpet. 
  3. Gideon will be caught by me, panic, drop the eggs, and the eggs will be broken all over the carpet.
It's like a choose your own adventure book that always ends with me cleaning eggs off my son and out of the carpet fibers.  Even Jude thinks it's getting out of hand. I was doing laundry one day, and I could hear the boys talking in the kitchen. "Gideon, don't touch the eggs" Jude warns in an urgent tone (Jude being the voice of reason is just as alarming as whatever Gideon is doing). "What's going on out there?" I ask. "Um... Don't give Giddy time out, Mommy! Giddy, no eggs! Let's get outta here!"

I hurried into the kitchen just in time to see the boys hiding around the corner, and the refrigerator open. I asked Jude if Gideon was trying to play in the eggs. Jude looks at Gideon, and then throws his arms around me and says, "I love you, Mommy! You're my mommy in the whole world!"
Bros before moms, I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious. And messy. Perhaps hide them in some other food packaging?
