Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Rousing discussions.

You don't want to get into it with these two
"Bad! Bad! Baa-aad!"
"No he not! Dar-Baber is goooood!"
"Yes he do! Darf Vader is the bad guy, wif all the storm troofers! Loof Sigh-water is the good guy!"
"Nooooo! Dar-Baber is Loof Sigh-water's Daddy!"

This is an argument Jude and Gideon engaged in just a couple of days ago that ended in a wrestling
match. In case you don't speak three and four year old boy, this was a Star Wars fueled argument. Gideon is convinced that Darth Vader is a good guy, because he is Luke Skywalker's daddy, and come on, he's on all the merchandise! Why would you put the bad guy all over the merchandise? Jude, on the other hand, knows that Darth Vader is a bad guy. Why would a good guy need Storm Troopers and hurt people?

Now, I feel like I should inform you that the boys had only seen A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back at this point. They hadn't watched Return of the Jedi when (*SPOILER ALERT*...but seriously, this movie is 32 years old) Darth Vader redeemed himself by saving Luke Skywalker and destroying the Emperor. Shane watched all three original movies with the boys over three or four days. Jude and Gideon absolutely loved them! Star Wars is often played in our living room now.

The only problem is, the whole Darth Vader discussion can get pretty heated. Don't get me wrong, I love a spirited debate as much as the next person. I just don't know if I can sit through another round of the "is Darth Vader good or bad?" fight. It wouldn't bother me as much if it didn't always end in a physical altercation. I am thankful that I have two kids that will stand their ground when they really care about something. And really, is there a more noble argument to have?

What are some ridiculous or hilarious children's debates you have been witness to?


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