Wednesday, August 27, 2014

All the dang slang

Slang. It's not a new concept. It's been around forever. Actually, according to the Online Etymology Dictionary, slang started in 1756 as the "special vocabulary of tramps and thieves"1

Now, everyone uses some form of slang. I use a ton of it! It's actually becoming a real problem. It always starts the the same way. I hear a new slang term or phrase and I think to myself, "That's stupid, Why would you need to abbreviate that?"  Or "In what universe does this word mean that?" I am so pompous about the whole thing, too. I will tell others how dumb these new sayings are, and I will use them once or twice in jest. That's when the trouble starts.

I let these words infiltrate my vocabulary, and then I can't stop! I use a phrase once as a joke. It was funny, so I say it again later to my husband. Maybe it becomes a joke between the two of us, maybe I know it slightly annoys him. Either way, I find myself saying this word or phrase more and more! It has become a part of my everyday vocabulary! I want to stop using them, but I just can't! It becomes like the One Direction songs I hear on the radio. I tell people I hate them, but I secretly love them!

I found this meme a while back, and I feel like it pretty perfectly sums up what I am trying to express.

In fact, legit is one of the words I am guilty of saying! It might just be easier to just admit all the slang...
  • My bad ~ I say this one so much that my seven year old brother (we spend a lot of time together) now runs around saying "My bad, dawg, my bad!" Sometimes I even like to shake it up and say "My b" or my recently coined phrase "my biscuit." Why do I do this, you ask, because I have a sickness.
  • Redic, Redonk ~ Because saying "ridiculous" just takes up  too much valuable time, and I am a busy person... I'm lying...
  • Totes or Totes ma goats ~ If you saw the commercial with James Earl Jones, and you don't say this, I question your humanity. Seriously, are you a robot?
  • Cray-Cray ~ or just Cray. I don't remember the last time I actually said the word "crazy"
  • Dip or Dip out ~ I am going to dip out on this list... I worry you are all going to think less of me if I continue.
When I first heard all of these words, I loved to hate them. Now I just hate that I love them. Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone else out there use slang like the main character in a teen movie? 


References / Credits: (because I don't feel like getting sued):

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