Monday, August 18, 2014

Does this make me a writer?

How does one start a blog? I mean, I know how to sign up for a blog. That part's easy. What I mean is, how do you start blogging? Should I introduce myself, even though basically everyone reading this will already know me? Sure let's go with that.

I'm Chyan. I am twenty-five, and I have been married for almost five years to my favorite person in the entire world. I have been a mom for almost four years to three little humans that I am pretty sure are the coolest kids to ever exist in the history of kids. They really are a trip, and I mean that in the best (and some days, worst) possible way.  I have the awesome privilege of seeing my three munchkins change and grow all day, every day. Yup, that's right. You have another stay at home mom thinking she's a blogger on your hands.

Don't worry, this is not an advice or "parenting" blog. I am not going to push any agenda on any reader. It is not my intention to sway your opinion on things that every parent has to deal with on a daily basis. I am not going to scream at you about circumcision, breastfeeding, sleep training, homeschooling/unschooling, or any other topic that we parents seem to be so passionate about. Am I going to occasionally mention some of these things? Of course, because they are a part of every day life. However, I will not try to convince you that the way I parent is the way you should parent. I mean, my blog is called One Alright Mom, do I really sound like someone who should be giving anyone advice? No. Frankly, I am in way over my head.

Do you need proof? Let's see... I just stopped my youngest child from eating sunblock. I didn't notice her pulling the sunblock out of the diaper bag, because I was too busy googling how to pull a medical staple out of my oldest son's head at home. Oh, and while all that was happening, my middle child, being the "helper" that he is, was peeing all over my kitchen floor. Yeah. I'm someone who should be giving out advice. Now, before you contact social services, you should know that my daughter did not consume any sunblock, my oldest son is going to the doctor this afternoon to have his staple removed by a medical professional, and my son's urine has been mopped up. Now we are all ready for the next round of insanity to ensue. Just fyi, my daughter spit up all over me while I was typing the last sentence.

That's really what this blog will be about. Weird, funny, stupid, ridiculous things that happen inside my out of control family. My goal is not to educate you, but maybe I can entertain you with my imperfect parenting, and fantastically strange brood. Basically, I am not the best mom in the world, but I am certainly not the worst. I'm  a lot like the rest of you. I'm just one alright mom. Wait, there are worse moms out there right?


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