Friday, August 29, 2014

Ten babies in my belly

Handsome Jude
Sweet, Cuddly Gideon
Ah pregnancy, such a magical time. For some people. Not once during any of my three pregnancies did I think "I just love being pregnant!" I am not a fan. Don't get me wrong, I love what I get at the end of my forty-ish week torture fest and it's totally worth it( I mean, look at them). But the puking, stretching skin, weird cravings, and emotional roller coaster ride...well, it is just not my idea of a good time. This is why I will be very content if I do not have another baby. Three pregnancies in three years will do that to person.  And, just because I like to brag, I added a picture of each of my babies as newborns.
Abigail (she's even cute when she's covered in gunk)

I think my constant state of being with child has something to do with my latest issues with Jude. Maybe issue is a bit strong. Let's just say we have the same conversation about six times a day, every day. You see, Jude remembers my pregnancy with Abby vividly and he claims he remembers when we brought Gideon home from the "hos-pip-al," but I don't know how accurate that is, since he was only 12 1/2 months when Gideon was born. Anyway, me having a baby in my belly was a very big deal for a very long time. Then, all of a sudden, there was no baby in my belly anymore. Jude seemed to understand fairly well that now Mommy's belly was empty, and Baby Abby lived out here with us now.

Well, I guess Jude thinks ten months is long enough, and it's time to fill up my womb again. For the past couple of weeks, Jude keeps asking me "Mommy, do you have a baby in your belly" "Mommy, do you have two babies in your belly?" He even got Gideon in on the whole thing. Now Gideon is asking me as well. Except, Giddy asks a bit more crudely "You got babies in you?" or "Gotta baby in there?" Classy Giddy, classy.

I have explained to them multiple times, in multiple ways, that I am not pregnant. In fact, I might not get pregnant again. Jude just would not let up! I finally asked him if he wanted me to have another baby, and then he could have another baby brother or sister. "No! No way Mommy! I don't want more babies here in my house!" Why then, does he want me to have more babies in my belly? Just for fun. He says they can just live in me, and maybe Abby can go back and visit them because she is still a little baby. I am not making a hyperbolic joke. This is literally something Jude has said to me more than once.

Just this morning, Jude greeted me by asking if I had a baby in my belly yet. I said no. Then he proceeded to ask me, "Do you have two babies? Three babies? Six babies? DO YOU HAVE TEN BABIES IN YOUR BELLY?!?!" Shane was in the other room getting ready for work, and he heard the entire conversation. He thought maybe he should chime in. "Boys, your mom can't have ten babies in her belly. What do you think she is, a cat?" Then he tells me "I got your back, honey."
I thought Shane gave the boys a pretty great answer, but now Gideon is asking me if I can be a cat. Oh boy.

Hopefully Jude's fascination with me procreating gets eclipsed by some other unpredictable fascination soon.


PS. A big thank you to everyone who gave game suggestions yesterday. The kids and I tried them out, and we now have some new favorites to add in the mix!

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