Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Curse you, Web MD.

I am a worrier. I always have been, but being responsible for the three little lives has flipped a switch inside me that turned me from a worrier to a straight-up paranoid mess. I worry about everything, but my over-the-top concern really shows up when my kids are sick or hurt. 

Poor Giddy
If you follow me on Facebook, you know that Jude is a magnet for "owies" and illness. In the past 6 months, he has been to the ER three times! The worst part is, Jude has a very high tolerance for pain, so I always assume it's super serious and he just isn't showing me how bad he really feels. Gideon and Abigail are a little more gentle on my nerves, but they still scare me whenever possible. 

When Gideon was fifteen months old, he fell and sprained his wrist but it was swollen and he couldn't move it. Naturally, I assumed it was broken and took him in. The doctor confirmed it was just sprained and put his arm in a soft cast. Fifteen minutes after we got back from a check up for his wrist, he tries to climb up in a chair, trips, and bites a huge hole in his tongue! So I had a bloody-mouthed, soft cast-wearing baby for a while. I still can't believe no one thought I was one of those horrid moms that beat their kids. 

Well, as if I didn't worry enough, now Jude has a cold. Okay, I'll admit it, at first I thought it was much more serious. You see, yesterday he seemed tired and was salivating more than usual. Then he told me his throat hurt, so I did what every healthcare professional tells you not to do, I went on Web MD. Guess what I diagnosed  Jude with? Lye Poisoning (I told you, I am paranoid)! I automatically jumped to the worst conclusion possible. Where could Jude come in contact with lye? I have no sweet clue. It took a while for me to calm down and realize that it's just a little cold. Almost every kid catches one at the start of autumn. 

Wait a minute... I heard on the news that there is a very serious respiratory illness  called Enterovirus going around! It presents itself as a cold, and then turns much more serious! Oh great! That's definitely what Jude has. I better Google it. Oh, it's only been reported in the midwest and south east? Hmmm, I better keep and eye on him anyway. 

Oh man, now I'm starting to feel under the weather. I'm sure it's nothing. What? My health is the only thing I'm not concerned about. I think it's a mom thing.


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