Monday, September 29, 2014

That is NOT FOOD!

I have three beautiful, funny, sweet, smart, and... gross children. It seems like every single time a have a child around one year of age, he or she feels the need to taste items that just should not be tasted. Don't believe me? I have compiled some examples from my sons around that age

Around the age of one, Jude and/or Gideon ate:

  • Dirt
  • Soap
  • Paint chips from the corner of the wall
  • Bubbles
  • Play Doh
  • Light bulb (This one was attempted. I caught him as soon as he tried to take the first bite)
  • Deodorant
  • Lip Balm
  • Diaper rash cream
  • Glitter glue
Yes, all of these things are nasty. Yes, all of these things being consumed are cause for concern. No, humans with any level of logic or common sense would never consider putting any of these things inside their mouthes. I guess it's a good thing we are talking about babies, and I was able to stop them before too much, or any, was actually swallowed. 

I thought my boys had prepared me for anything, but just this weekend, Abby did something that threw all my experience and super-speed mom-reflexes out the window. 
My beautiful baby girl and I were outside enjoying the lovely fall weather, when we both noticed a snail creeping along. My thought was "Man, snails move so slow!" Abby's first thought was apparently "Hmmm. I should eat that slimy moving thing." Then my daughter did the grossest thing possible. She popped that little disgusting thing in her mouth! My sweet little Abigail put a live creature in her mouth. I have never seen her move so fast in my life.It was the grossest thing I have ever seen any of my children attempt to consume... and Jude tried to eat a light bulb! the worst part was, I think she would have eaten the entire thing if I hadn't stopped her.
Little Abigail after her "snack"

Happy 11 months, baby girl! I hope this is the end of your "eating inedible things" stage


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