Thursday, September 25, 2014

Do I really have a four year old?

Tuesday was my precious firstborn's fourth birthday. I simply cannot wrap my head around that. In just two years, he will be starting Kindergarten (a year later than most, because of his September birthday), and that just seems too soon for me! He's just a little baby, right? Apparently I am very wrong.

Lately, Jude has been doing so many "big kid" things, that I can't deny he has outgrown the baby or toddler status I try to give him. It is such a weird feeling to be so incredibly proud of the person my son is becoming, but at the same time be completely heartbroken that he is growing up. I know I am not alone in feeling this. For moms everywhere it's a tale as old as time, song as old a rhyme. Okay, yes, I did technically just use a line from Beauty and the Beast, but I think I've made my point.

Even though it's hard, I love seeing how much Jude changes every year. I think I have seen the biggest changes this year. I look back to his third birthday, and I can see how much has grown and developed. He is now fully potty trained (and has been for 7 months), his speech has improved dramatically, and he is a more patient and empathetic little boy than I ever thought possible.  Jude is an amazing big brother and has  amazing memory/ recall skills. Just last week at church, he informed me that he was too big for the nursery, and it was time for him to go to the big kid class! This was a very big deal for him, because the big kid class is a very loud and overwhelming for a little introvert like Jude. He did great! I am so proud of these accomplishments. I mean, I could literally explode with pride.

Jude is changing so much before my very eyes (apparently he like broccoli now). Every single day, he has learned something new that he wants to share with me. I adore his curious and independent spirit. I am thankful we made it through the tyrannical threes (I don't care what anyone says, three was worse than two. Two was a vacation!) relatively unscathed.

I love my little Judester, and I can't wait to see what this year will bring us!

                                                  Jude at one day old vs. Jude at four years old

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