Thursday, September 4, 2014

I'm thankful... all kids eventually potty-train

What was I thinking? Potty training sucks! It almost sucks as much as changing an almost-three-year-old's diapers. How much does it cost to hire one of those really mean drill sergeant ladies to come in and potty train your kids in one afternoon? Nah, I don't want to have get my house ready for company.  

Maybe I should back up. I am currently trying to potty train my middle minion. I waited until now, because over the last few months we had moved twice. I read somewhere that kids have a hard time giving up the "big d" (oh, relax, I mean diapers, not divorce) when there is a lot of transition happening. In reality, I just wanted some space between potty training my boys. My oldest was incredibly stubborn when it came to potty training, and wasn't fully potty trained until he was three years and four months old. I was just trying to soak up of the last of those good feelings you get when you complete a seemingly impossible task. Since we are only a month and a half away from Giddy's third birthday, I suppose it's beyond time to hunker down and really focus on getting rid of the diapers. 

Meet my new best friends
I guess I just forgot how much work potty training actually requires. There are the trips to the bathroom every fifteen minutes, and the singing of "Let it go" on every aforementioned trip (my boys think it's hilarious when the lyrics "let it go, can't hold it back anymore" synch perfectly with... you get it). Then you have to choose between a variety of non-diaper options. Pull-ups? Regular undies? Au naturel? A combination of all three? Oh, and let's not forget the constant cleaning of messes and accidents that don't really seem all that accidental. Thank goodness for family-safe natural cleaners. These things happen with even the best and easiest of potty-trainers, and it's horrifying!

All of this is enough to make a momma want to pull her hair out. At least once a day, I think "Forget it, he can just wear diapers until he's twenty. He'll eventually be able to clean himself up and pay for his own diapers!" Then I look at Jude, the world's hardest potty trainer, and I realize that he doesn't even need reminded to go try any more. He has had maybe two accidents in the past two months. I look at Jude and I remember that it will get easier, and I am thankful that all kids do eventually potty train. 

I am also thankful that after Giddy, I am done with the potty training! Ah crap, I forgot about Abby. After Giddy,  I am done for like 10 months. I'll take what I can get, I suppose. 


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